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Taobao list of reasons for refund

When you do a refund from Taobao, you get a list of reasons to select from. If you are don't understand Chinese, it may be difficult to understand what these reasons are. As mentioned, it is not easy to ship damaged items back to the seller for a return and refund, especially if the shipping the item back to China costs more than the item itself. In this case, the most likely solution is to simply ask for a refund without sending the items back. Just be sure to communicate with your seller regarding this before sending a refund request.

Reasons when refunding an item

The picture shows the refund reasons for a Taobao item. Note: These refund reasons list only appear when refunding while item is still in Mainland China.

Taobao refund reasons list

Reason a: Refused to sign for item as item is damaged. Return to sender.

Default option when rejecting item when refunding a damaged item while item is still in Mainland China. Usually not chosen if trying to ship the item overseas, as warehouse worker will accept the item in place of you.

Reason b: Accidently bought more than needed / Bought wrongly / Change of mind

Usually the default option to choose when requesting a refund, whether the item is still in China or when item has reached you. Sellers would usually ask you to choose this option as it would not incur any penalty points for them if item arrived at your place damaged.

Reason c: Package never arrived

Rarely chosen as warehouse worker will accept the item in place of you.

Reason d: Seller did not send out item in agreed time

Chosen when seller does not send out item. May incur penalty points for seller

Reason e: No tracking number for item

Chosen when seller claims to have send out item, but no tracking number is given. May incur penalty points for seller

Reason f: Empty package / Sent less items than bought

Chosen when package contains no item, or when the amount of items received is less than amount of items bought, but no tracking number is given. May incur penalty points for seller, so most sellers ask their buyers not to choose this option when requesting a refund, and choose reason b instead.

Reason g: Others

Rarely chosen, only when reason is not in any of the 6 above reasons.