Translates your English to Chinese for Taobao

Why buy from Taobao?

Taobao is a one-stop website for cheap, affordable items from China, from clothes to cables to books. It is the China version of Amazon. Many items there are priced very cheaply, such that if you buy and intend to resell them, you can easily make a business out of it.

Many people have bought all sorts of things from Taobao, and it is definitely safe to do so. People who buy from Taobao usually would go back again and again, since it is a fun and exciting experience of buying cheaply-priced items. If you have never bought from Taobao, you are definitely missing out!

It is definitely thrilling to see your packages being transported around China to a consolidation warehouse. After you have consolidated and shipped your items via air or sea, your items will reach you, and you would be happy to see them arrive on your doorstep. Many sellers on Taobao are actual people who make a living selling on the website, so they are usually very customer orientated. The sellers who do well can have sales going into the tens of thousands easily every month, so they have the incentive to attend to your requests and questions, and make sure your items reach you in satisfactory condition.

Of course, there are some things you need to be on the look out and be aware of when you shop at Taobao, but this comprehensive guide will guide you through the entire process, and will give you an idea of how to start buying from Taobao. We would be using the Taobao mobile App version for the guide.

When you first look at the interface of the Taobao App, it is easy to be overwhelmed by all the buttons and pictures, and become unsure of what to do. However, once you get the hang of it, the process will be easy and fun. The anticipation of waiting for your parcel makes the entire buying process exciting too.

Taobao uses Alipay to pay when purchasing things, and it is easy to set up your Alipay account and connect it to your Taobao account. Once you have all these set up, it is as simple as using a few clicks to purchase the item you desire!

Without further ado, let's get started!